Confirmation, a sacrament of initiation, reaffirms and strengthens the faith of the baptized. In our Archdiocese, this rite typically occurs in 8th grade and immediately follows baptism for adult converts. Administered by a bishop or priest, confirmation involves the laying on of hands, blessing, and anointing with chrism (holy oil), accompanied by the words, "Be sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit." This sacramental act not only "seals" individuals as full members of the Church but also signifies the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, empowering them to live out their faith boldly, connecting the ceremonial ritual with the spiritual reality of Pentecost. This sacrament not only completes baptism but also strengthens our relationship with Christ, fortifies our unity with the Church, and equips us to proclaim and defend the gospel (CCC 1302-1305). During confirmation, a Catholic may symbolically take the name of a saint as his or her patron, aligning themselves with a Christian role model for intercession and guidance.
Divine Mercy Parish provides a two-year preparation program for students entering 7th grade and concludes with Confirmation in 8th grade. If students are seeking Confirmation beyond these grades, please contact us. For program details and contact information, visit our Religious Education Confirmation Page.